Cizoti Learning

Agile Software Development Methodology

The course will be carried out over 5 days, with 2 days of lecture, one day of Forum discussion and 2 days to complete the group assignment. The course topics to be presented in the training is stated below:

Day 1

  • Introduction to Software Development Projects: This module is a general introduction to software development projects. We will explore some differences in software development projects and other projects that are targeted at data, physical and infrastructure development.

  • Agile Methodology Fundamentals: This will be an introduction of agile mindset, the core of agile methods. The difference between Agile methods to the traditional project management methods. We will review different frameworks available to implement agile. You will learn when to use agile methods and how to apply agile mindset to projects. 

  • Requirements and Planning: We will introduce the requirements for using agile methods and the planning phase of software development projects. You will learn about user and usage stories, time and resources estimation, some techniques for planning.

  • Introduction to Scrum and Kanban Board: We will introduce two agile approaches Scrum and Kanban board. We will learn some best practices of these two approaches.

Day 2

  • Introduction to Project Management Software: We will introduce some software that can be used to manage software development projects. We will present the benefit of these software especially in times like this and explore their features that makes them suitable for remote project management. You will learn how to use these software for managing projects remotely.

  • Application of Agile Methodology to IUFMP: We will wrap up the training by presenting some part of the Online Geospatial Visualization Platform project implemented on JIRA.

Group Assignment

The group assignments of the participants will be discussed on this forum on Day 3. The participants will be tasked to form groups that represent their organisation.Selected a project that is related to their organisation and the IUFMP objective. They will be tasked with presenting a use case scenario and work plan for implementing the project. They can present this using their project management software of choice. The participants will use Day 4 and 5 to complete their assignment using a project management software of choice and submit a report.


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